Western Reserve Section Board Elections

Our annual board and officer elections were held during our October 7th board and membership meeting with the following results:

The members present elected Barb Tullis as a board member, joining current board members Tom Barratt, Frank Cozza, Mary Alice Cozza, Brian DiPasquale, Tracy DiPasquale, Fred Gesell, Gary Goodman, Ted Gottfried, Fred Gwinn, Priscilla Gwinn, Werner Heidemann, Lee Kalessis, John Morrison, Sue Morrison, Rod Thompson, John Tuck, Rod Tucker, Jim Tullis, Ron White, Bill Verduin, and Cynthia Verduin.

The board members elected the following officers:

President–Jim Tullis

Vice President–Rod Thompson

Secretary–Ron White

Treasurer–John Morrison

The board members and officers begin their terms at the November 11th meeting.

Congratulations to the board members and officers who were chosen to lead our section in 2015.  They give a tremendous amount of time and effort to help to make our section a success–thank them when you see them!  A special thank you to John Tuck for his many years of outstanding service as our section secretary.  John has chosen to step aside due to time and schedule conflicts with his MBA program but will continue as an active board member.


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