8th Annual DTJ Clambake and Car Show – Sunday, September 17th


MBCA | Western Reserve Section

8th Annual DTJ Clambake and Car Show!!

Sunday, September 17, 2023 from 11AM-3PM

DTJ Taborville   9850 North Blvd., Auburn Twp. OH 44023

(The DTJ Entrance is at Corner of Bartholomew and Quinn Roads)

Back by popular demand—and this clambake was voted as one of the best things to do in Geauga County!!

For those unfamiliar with DTJ, here’s a little history about our venue—

The initials DTJ stand for “Delnicke Telocvicne Jednoty” or “Workers’ Gymnastic Union”.  DTJ as an organization is a part of the great Labor Movement as the translati

on implies.  It is an international organization, whose program consists of training the youth of the world to enable it to take part in the great movement for a better and more just organization of human society. The DTJ organization was formed by a group of tailors in Prague, 1897. The first DTJ group to be formed in America was founded in Cleveland, Ohio by members of the Lassalle Senior Club in 1909.


The event will begin at 11:00AM with an informal (non-judged) car show open to all makes and models.  Bring your favorite car to display, and your car might win a people’s choice award!  We’ll have live music to enjoy too.

The traditional clambake (served from 1-3pm) includes:  Broth, Chowder, Clams, ½ Chicken, Coleslaw, Sweet Potato, Sweet Corn, Coffee, Cash Bar (Beer, Soft Drinks and Treats only, no Liquor sold). Clam lovers can order an additional dozen clams too!

Not a fan of clams??  There will also be a chicken-only dinner available (as above without clams)

Registrations must be received by Saturday, September 9th!!

Questions??   Contact our host, Allan B Pintner at 216.548.9077 or abpintner@mhmltd.com

Register online here or by mail using the form below



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