About Us


By Sue Morrison

The Western Reserve Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America was established in 1960—just 4 years after the national organization was formed. Our section is a member oriented group of Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts.  Although the Western Reserve Section is a division of the national organization and the Great Lakes Region, each section conducts its own activities and events, has its own board of directors and officers, has its own newsletter, and has its own by-laws.

The goal of the Western Reserve Section is to plan a variety of activities and events that appeal to the varied interests of the members. You will find:

  • Annual holiday party in January — the aim is to move this event to a different part of the section each year.
  • Cleveland Auto Show — attendance tickets are frequently provided by a dealership for entering the show at leisure. Later, the group moves to a private room within the IX Center for a catered meal, speaker and door prizes.
  • Defensive driving and autocross — helps you learn about the performance of your car under various circumstances and prepares you to be a safer driver.
  • Old Car Fun Day — an informal day of technical discussions about the older models and lunch on site.
  • Dealership meetings — give you a chance to learn about the new models and new technology.
  • Road Rallyes — a chance to follow a  map, follow clues, garner information and answer questions. These rallyes tour an area of interest then meet at a designated spot to review and award prizes and usually have a meal.
  • “Spread Eagle Event”— this event begins with a caravan to Hanoverton, Ohio, an historic, restored canal town.  After some time to explore the town, we enter the beautiful Spread Eagle Tavern for brunch.  The caravan then goes to the home of Frank and Mary Alice Cozza at Guilford Lake for an ice cream social, boat rides, and a chance to visit and admire the cars parked around the yard.
  • Fall Leaf Tour — a tour through a scenic area ends with a dinner and visiting during the peak of color in October.

This section is fortunate to have a great relationship with the dealerships within our section.  Most have sponsored at least one event during the year. In return, we strive to support them.  This valued relationship is a benefit to both sides.

The Western Reserve Section has a dedicated, hard-working board which strives to plan events for the good of its membership. Many members of our section participate and assist in national events around the country as well as serving on the national board and committees.  Following Starfest 2004, our section was named the Section of the Year. If you are not already a member, we hope you will join us. You’ll be glad you did. Regular business meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month and are open to all members. Check the calendar for location and time.